Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

3 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 6191
Author(s): Gullino, Giuseppe.
Title : Un' Eroina Mai Esistita: Anna Erizzo (1470) [Antonio Erizzo died in 1470 fighting the Turkish advance in the Balkans; a legend arose that he had a daughter, Anna, who committed suicide rather than tolerate the sexual advances of the sultan; the tale was embroidered and found its way into drama and opera].
Source: Archivio Veneto Series V , 190., 131 ( 2000):  Pages 127 - 134.
Year of Publication: 2000.

2. Record Number: 4161
Author(s): Burrus, Victoria A.
Title : Melibea's Suicide: The Price of Self-Delusion
Source: Journal of Hispanic Philology , 19., 1- 3 ( 1994- 1995):  Pages 57 - 88.
Year of Publication: 1994- 1995.

3. Record Number: 28730
Title : Medal of Giulia Astallia (obverse)
Source: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/Giancristoforo_romano_%28attr.%29,_giulia_astrallia,_1485_c.,_recto.JPG/250px-Giancristoforo_romano_%28attr.%29,_giulia_astrallia,_1485_c.,_recto.JPG
Year of Publication: